Wednesday, December 16, 2009
The Spirit's Working
I just finished up (re)working through Vaughn Roberts' God's Big Picture. In chapter 7, Roberts offers a concise and helpful passage on the Spirit's work in salvation.
The Bible uses three tenses to speak of our salvation.... If we trust in Christ, we have already been saved, in the past, from the penalty of sin by the death of Christ: 'By grace you have been saved' (Ephesians 2:8). We shall have nothing to fear on judgment day because Christ has already faced our punishment in our place. But sin, sadly, is very much a reality in our lives. It is only in the future, after Christ returns, that we shall be saved from the presence of sin. So the Bible sometimes speaks of our salvation as something that is still to come. We shall receive its full blessings only in the future (e.g. I Corinthians 3:15; I Timothy 2:15). That just leaves the present tense (e.g. I Corinthians 1:18; 15:2). We are being saved, in the present, from the power of sin. Although we shall never be sinless this side of heaven, God is at work within us by his Spirit to help us fight sin in our lives and become more like Jesus. We must certainly play our part and work hard to resist evil, but we are not left to do so on our own. It is 'by the Spirit' that we are to 'put to death the misdeeds of the body' (Romans 8:13).
In addition to many helpful sections (such as the one above), Roberts' books provides a quality outline of Scripture's main themes (particularly Christocentrism). God's Big Picture (for those unfamiliar with its content) will prove to be an invaluable tool for interpreting Scripture. For anyone who hasn't read this brief, quite approachable book, I highly recommend it.
Semper Reformanda
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Calvin On Worship
John Calvin offers a prolific commentary on freedom in worship:
God did not will in outward discipline and ceremonies to prescribe in detail what we ought to do (because he foresaw that this depended on the state of the times, and he did not deem one form suitable for all ages).... Because he has taught nothing specifically, and because these things are not necessary to salvation, and for the upbuilding of the church ought to be variously accommodated to the customs of each nation and age, it will be fitting (as the advantage of the church will require) to change and abrogate traditional practices and to establish new ones. Indeed, I admit that we ought not to change into innovation rashly, suddenly, for insufficient cause. But love will best judge what may hurt or edify; and if we let love be our guide, all will be safe (quoted in John Piper's Let the Nations Be Glad!).
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
A Trinitarian Interpretation of Luke 7
I've been considering the interpretation of Christian Scripture lately. John Frame asserts that because truth emanates from God, truth, by nature, is trinitarian. From this, Tim Keller and Ed Clowney explain (I'm sure along with many others) that (all?) Scripture can be interpreted in three ways, directly corollary to truth's trinitarian nature. We interpret Scripture doctrinally (Father), pietistically (Son), and as restoring culture (Spirit).
I'm going to attempt applying this truth to Luke 7.
Faith—one of the significant themes in Luke, and probably the most significant, is faith. For our purposes, we will consider faith in Christ as the peak of Luke’s narrative. Luke’s seventh chapter pictures Jesus in the midst of his teaching ministry (4:14-21:38). The author gives us four events:
The Faith of the Centurion 1-10 (see 2 Kings 5)
Jesus Raises a Widow's Son 11-17 (see 1 Kings 17)
Jesus and John the Baptist 18-35 (see Isaiah 35: 5-6)
Jesus Anointed by a Sinful Woman 19-51
We must consider these four narratives in Luke 7 holistically (this approach is especially necessary, yet somewhat difficult, when attempting to study a single chapter). We need to understand how each story’s message fits this particular section of Luke, asking “what it the common thread weaving through Luke 7?”
Faith—it's not difficult discerning Luke’s theme and message of faith in Christ in Luke 7. Undoubtedly, the centurion (1-10) shows great faith in Jesus. But where is faith found in healing the woman’s son (11-16)? The woman apparently does not know that Jesus is even to attempt raising her son, so it seems a stretch to suggest that she has faith that he can. John the Baptist surely demonstrates faith (18-35), but this story suggests empirical belief more than faith. Much like the first scene, the story of the sinful woman (36-50) indeed presents faith. So this chapter bookends with stories of strong faith, and fits well into Luke's broader message. We can also see three themes specific to this chapter (though obviously not exclusive). But which one is correct?
Jesus’ authority—the four stories presented coalesce around the reality of Jesus authority, in both the spiritual and physical realms, pointing to God’s glory in salvation. Jesus shows authority over sin, sickness, and even death. Thus this chapter strongly testifies to Christ’s deity through his authority.
Jesus’ compassion—rooted in his sinlessness, Jesus' compassion for the centurion’s servant, the mother’s loss, all who are healed (and saved!) in 18-35, and for the sinful woman provides a quintessential example for the church.
Jesus’ restoring culture—this view is least comfortable in our context (conservative evangelicalism), but nonetheless, we see Jesus reaching out to the poor and oppressed with a message that all have equal worth in Christ; “the good news is preached to the poor” (22). We see Jesus accept and even commend the sinful woman, a societal outcast. In this way, we indeed see Jesus correcting a culture saturated with Pharisaism.
All three interpretations are fully correct. I summit the matrix below, arguing for a trinitarian interpretation of the passage as one meaning:
Father: the doctrine of Jesus' authority
Son: Jesus’ compassion gives an example for the pious Christian to follow
Spirit: correcting injustices and promoting equality (he promotes that all are equally unable) pictures Jesus restoring culture (source)
The Gospel Coalition provides some helpful material on this passage (here). I particularly benefited from sermons by Alistair Begg, Mark Dever, and Kent Hughes.
Semper Reformanda
I'm going to attempt applying this truth to Luke 7.
Faith—one of the significant themes in Luke, and probably the most significant, is faith. For our purposes, we will consider faith in Christ as the peak of Luke’s narrative. Luke’s seventh chapter pictures Jesus in the midst of his teaching ministry (4:14-21:38). The author gives us four events:
The Faith of the Centurion 1-10 (see 2 Kings 5)
Jesus Raises a Widow's Son 11-17 (see 1 Kings 17)
Jesus and John the Baptist 18-35 (see Isaiah 35: 5-6)
Jesus Anointed by a Sinful Woman 19-51
We must consider these four narratives in Luke 7 holistically (this approach is especially necessary, yet somewhat difficult, when attempting to study a single chapter). We need to understand how each story’s message fits this particular section of Luke, asking “what it the common thread weaving through Luke 7?”
Faith—it's not difficult discerning Luke’s theme and message of faith in Christ in Luke 7. Undoubtedly, the centurion (1-10) shows great faith in Jesus. But where is faith found in healing the woman’s son (11-16)? The woman apparently does not know that Jesus is even to attempt raising her son, so it seems a stretch to suggest that she has faith that he can. John the Baptist surely demonstrates faith (18-35), but this story suggests empirical belief more than faith. Much like the first scene, the story of the sinful woman (36-50) indeed presents faith. So this chapter bookends with stories of strong faith, and fits well into Luke's broader message. We can also see three themes specific to this chapter (though obviously not exclusive). But which one is correct?
Jesus’ authority—the four stories presented coalesce around the reality of Jesus authority, in both the spiritual and physical realms, pointing to God’s glory in salvation. Jesus shows authority over sin, sickness, and even death. Thus this chapter strongly testifies to Christ’s deity through his authority.
Jesus’ compassion—rooted in his sinlessness, Jesus' compassion for the centurion’s servant, the mother’s loss, all who are healed (and saved!) in 18-35, and for the sinful woman provides a quintessential example for the church.
Jesus’ restoring culture—this view is least comfortable in our context (conservative evangelicalism), but nonetheless, we see Jesus reaching out to the poor and oppressed with a message that all have equal worth in Christ; “the good news is preached to the poor” (22). We see Jesus accept and even commend the sinful woman, a societal outcast. In this way, we indeed see Jesus correcting a culture saturated with Pharisaism.
All three interpretations are fully correct. I summit the matrix below, arguing for a trinitarian interpretation of the passage as one meaning:
Father: the doctrine of Jesus' authority
Son: Jesus’ compassion gives an example for the pious Christian to follow
Spirit: correcting injustices and promoting equality (he promotes that all are equally unable) pictures Jesus restoring culture (source)
The Gospel Coalition provides some helpful material on this passage (here). I particularly benefited from sermons by Alistair Begg, Mark Dever, and Kent Hughes.
Semper Reformanda
Saturday, July 18, 2009
The CHRISTian Good News
As I worked through some of Neighboring Faiths today, I read an important section dealing with the nature of the Christian Gospel, especially in regards to Shinto and other Japanese religions. Corduan says:
Thus the church's mission is defined by the tasks given by God: evangelism and nurture. Its mission is not defined by numerical objectives or successes the church may have in these tasks. I am emphasizing this fact because to violate it will almost invariably violate the nature of Christianity as well. Christians may erect buildings that compete favorably with local temples [local to Japanese culture]; they may link Christian worship to various practices that are associated with pagan worship in the minds of local people; they may soft- pedal the gospel in order to gain a hearing. And they might just raise the numbers of nominal Christians in the process. But if the gospel is no longer the true message of redemption from God, nothing of genuine consequence has been gained.
As a Christian I see the gospel of Jesus Christ as the only way of salvation. Consequently, sharing the gospel is the highest good I can do for another person. Clearly, I need to abide by New Testament exhortations regarding my conduct in doing so. For instance, I may never force the gospel on another person. However, I also need to remember that by compromising the gospel in order not to cause offence, I may actually deprive someone of the good news that has been entrusted to me. In the end, everyone needs to know the authentic gospel: that Jesus Christ is Savior and Lord (335).
This is a helpful statement to consider as we seek to share our faith within particular cultures.
Semper Reformanda
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Observing All Things
Some friends and I just started a new blog, observing all things. Each of the contributors (and perhaps more will contribute in the future) is a good friend of mine, and indeed a partner in doing life Christianly. My goal for this blog (for my part) is to interact with theology proper, and from that, flesh-out some practical implications; we will attempt to ascertain orthopraxy from orthodoxy.
Our exact format for interacting together is still developing, and will continue to be flexible. But for the most part, we will attempt to post regarding certain doctrines, cultural dilemmas, Scripture passages, etc., and then post well thought out agreements and/or counter arguments.
I hope that our new blog will benefit all who read it, my friends and I will grow in love for God and each other, and that Christ will be magnified in all things.
Semper Reformanda
Friday, July 3, 2009
Musical Reminders
O to grace how great a debtor daily I'm constrained to be!
Let Thy goodness like a fetter, bind my wandering heart to Thee
Prone to wander Lord I feel it, prone to leave the God I love
Here's my heart Lord, take and seal it, seal it for Thy courts above.
("Come Thou Fount")
Let Thy goodness like a fetter, bind my wandering heart to Thee
Prone to wander Lord I feel it, prone to leave the God I love
Here's my heart Lord, take and seal it, seal it for Thy courts above.
("Come Thou Fount")
My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought!
My sin, not in part but the whole,
Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more,
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!
("It Is Well")
Semper Reformanda
("It Is Well")
Semper Reformanda
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Major Discovery
I just bought a couple books from And I've made a major discovery: the shipping was free. Apparently not all items have free shipping, but from what I found (and I looked around for a while), the vast majority of books from Barns and Nobel online qualify for "FAST&FREE DELIVERY." Yes!
I doubt I'll ever fully forsake Amazon, but this changes my online book-buying experience.
(If you've known about "FAST&FREE DELIVERY" for a long time, please forgive me.)
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Edward's Orthopraxy
I just finished a new book by Steven J. Lawson, Senior Pastor at Christ Fellowship Baptist Church in Mobile, AL. Reformation Trust, a division of Ligonier Ministries, published The Unwavering Resolve of Jonathan Edwards in 2008.
Lawson's book primarily deals with Jonathan Edwards' Resolutions, a document he composed from mid 1722 to mid 1723 as a "practical expression" of his intention to "live out Reformed theology on a personal, experiential level." Lawson also offers a chapter (chapter 1) surveying the influential and admirable life of Edwards, which provides a good framework for studying the Resolutions. The Unwavering Resolve of Jonathan Edwards presents a good picture of the discipline and dedication one must possess in living a godly life.
After introducing Edwards, Lawson briefly introduces the Resolutions, and explains his dividing them into six categories: pursuing God's glory, battling sin, disciplined use of time, offering all to and for God, striving for "humility and love," and often self-searching for any characteristic not glorifying to God. Lawson proceeds to give an exposition of these six categories; he dedicates a chapter to each division, citing a few resolutions from each. Much to the benefit of the reader, Lawson spends a paragraph or two at the end of each chapter trying to make applicable Edwards' Resolutions. Lawson's writing is long with citations and short with personal analysis, which only serves (in my opinion) to emphasize the depth of his research. Lawson wisely notes that dialog between the other Edwardian writings (his Personal Narrative and diary in particular) is paramount to best understanding the Resolutions.
Below I share a resolution and a diary entry from Edwards, both of which most impacted me as I read through The Unwavering Resolve of Jonathan Edwards. I hope these two points will wet your appetite for this influential and practical book.
(Resolution 52) "I frequently hear persons in old age say how they would live, if they were to live their lives over again: resolved, that I will live just so as I can think I shall wish I had done, supposing I live to old age. July 8, 1723."
On the subject of spending God-allotted time judiciously, Lawson concludes that "[Edwards] could not waste time and bring honor to God" (chapter six). Consider this perspective on time: "Edwards understood that he could lose money and potentially recoup it later. He could lose his health and yet recover it. He could even lose a relationship and later restore it. But time lost could never be regained."
(Come on, Aaron. Get out of bed!)
(Diary Entry) "I think it would be advantageous every morning to consider my business and temptations; and what sins I shall be exposed to that day: and to make a resolution how to improve the day, and to avoid those sins."
Edwards was so intensely committed to avoiding sin, that he would "anticipate what sins he might be prone to in various situations" (chapter nine). I cannot help but think about the times when I (we?) blindly stumble into sin (think bitterness, jealousy, etc). Would to God that I might, like Edwards, proactively anticipate and avoid sin--even tempting situations.
Here is the Resolutions from The Jonathan Edwards Center at Yale University. I currenty have a copy of the Resolutions placed next to my bed to read through and consider how I can better live with my highest priority on God's glory.
I fully recommend this book to all who are serious about living to that end. Here it is. May growth and much spiritual dicipline ensue.
Semper Reformanda
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
The Qur'an
I just bought a copy of the Qur'an. My particular copy is translated by M. A. S. Abdel Haleem. During the next several weeks, I will be studying the major religions in the world, with particular emphasis given to Islam. As I thumbed through my new book, I was surprised by it's organisation. I suppose I expected the book to be organized like the Bible, but instead the Qur'an is divided into 114 sections. These sections appear to be either stories or treatments of various Muslim doctrines. I will soon know for sure.
I am excited about becoming more familiar with Islam, and I hope to establish an understanding which will allow me to better serve God's Kingdom. My friend and former professor Dr. Dan Ebert (Ebertblog) spent weeks in Jordan studying Islam, and he chronicled his studies here. Please pray for me as I attempt to engage with this increasingly influential religion.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
An Overdue Recommendation
Not uncommonly , I am a about a year behind the rest of the world; I just recently finished Tim Keller's The Reason for God. Keller serves as senior pastor at Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Manhattan. Dutton published Keller's book early in 2008. Aimed at skeptics and/or believers with doubt, the book presents a defense of the orthodox Christian faith.
Keller organizes his book in two sections: the first seven chapters respond to seven different objections to Christianity, and the last seven offer "reasons for faith." The chapters dealing with objections seek to answer common apprehensions to Christianity using logic and rational. The "reasons" chapters present highly logical, empirically-based arguments for the existence and knowledge of God, sin nature, misconceptions about Christianity, etc. Keller does not use Scripture (much) to support his arguments, making his book seemingly less circular to a skeptical audience. The epilogue gives the gospel message and makes a call to action.
I found chapter fourteen, The Dance of God, the most helpful in the book. In this chapter, Keller reveals the relational nature of the Christian life. Chapter fourteen serves to teach (remind) readers about the relationships within the Trinity, and the implication of those relationships.
Chapter five deals with Hell. Reading through it, I found this chapter ambiguous and confusing. I struggled to decipher whether or not Keller thinks Hell is an actual place, or more of a state of existence. After hearing a couple of lectures/talks by Keller, I undoubtedly believe him to propagate an orthodox position on Hell. However, chapter five of The Reason for God presents Keller's position quite confusingly. If you were also confused by Keller's statements in chapter five, or you are about to read through the book, here is an article by Keller from Redeemer's website about Hell. The article not only well outlines a proper view of Hell, but it clarifies any confusing points from Keller's book.
Apart from one ambigious chapter, The Reason for God represents one of the great contibutions to orthodox Christian apologetics in recent years. I strongly recommend this book to both belivers and non believers alike (and yes, the book is going on my recommended list).
Here is a link to the Reason for God website. And my friend Luke recently commented on a chapter of Keller's book, here.
Buy The Reason for God here. May growth and renewed confidence ensue!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Desiring God Blog: helpful reading list
Today, Abraham Piper posted a list of books currently being read by Desiring God staff members. DG provides resources from the teaching of Dr. John Piper (books, sermons, etc.). The posted list contains a variety of texts ranging in subject from business, to theology, to fiction. And all books on the list are linked to Amazon (brilliant!).
Hopefully, reading over the list will spark your interest, and provide some ideas for deeper summer reading this year.
May growth and edification ensue. Here is the blog page.
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