Wednesday, December 24, 2008
A Needed and Timely Book

Monday, December 22, 2008
Why We're Not Emergent: comments on DeYoung and Kluck's work
Friday, December 5, 2008
A Move Toward Hope
Dr. Mohler published a post yesterday concerning news which is shifting the paradigm of the Episcopal Church in
In 2003, the Episcopal Church elected an openly-gay Bishop, which caused a firestorm both within the Anglican and Episcopalian Church (Europe and America respectively) . Yesterday, however, news came that conservative Episcopalians have broken away from the church and are officially forming the Anglican Church of North America. This new denomination intends to hold highly Scriptural authority, specifically regarding the biblical position on homosexuality.
Perhaps the most significant (and most exciting) aspect of the new ACNA is that the divisions will not be determined by territory, but rather theological unity.
Here is the article from Dr. Mohler: Theology Not Territory
Remember to thank God for our fellow believers who are taking a courageous stand for biblical teaching!